90 10 Clinic Marketing Blog
A lot of clinics out there have relied on referrals and word of mouth But if you are looking to scale your clinic exponentially, then you need to consider some sort of lead generation system. ...more
Clinic Marketing
November 15, 2023•2 min read
In this article we tell if you if social media marketing will acatully work for clinic and give you a positive return for your clinic. ...more
Clinic Marketing
November 15, 2023•4 min read
Many social media agency's for clinic's agencies don't live up to their expectations or what they promised. Here's 5 things you should expect from an agency. ...more
Clinic Marketing
November 07, 2023•4 min read
Running a successful Ad campaign for a clinic is very different compared Ad campaigns for bigger companies, i.e Nike, Coca Cola, McDonalds ...more
Clinic Marketing
November 07, 2023•3 min read
5 key points when writing ad copy that make sure your ads are effective and get people clicking on it. ...more
Clinic Marketing
November 06, 2023•3 min read
Have you ever felt stuck on what content to upload for your Aesthetic business? Find out what to upload, how frequently and what hashtags to use ...more
Clinic Marketing
November 06, 2023•7 min read